Sneak preview of Dinosaur Island in 3D

A beautiful new day on Dinosaur Island. Click to enlarge.

A beautiful new day on Dinosaur Island. Click to enlarge.

First, I wanted to thank Simon, in the UK, who has been helping me learn the Synapse Games SunBurn 3D engine. I think the island is looking pretty amazing; and we haven’t even added the plants and dinosaurs, yet!

Also, I haven’t found a good video capture program yet. I’m zooming all around the island in real-time – and it looks great – but I can’t share this with you. All I can post are a couple of still images.


An ominous sunrise on Dinosaur Island. (Click to enlarge.)

I’m anticipating a pretty exciting surprise for the island shortly. Stay tuned.


First images of Dinosaur Island!

As we discussed in a previous post, Dinosaur Island will be 2 kilometers by 2 kilometers. We have also decided to let the users (that’s you!) create their own islands! Ed Isenberg, who has worked with me since 1986 on numerous computer games, has created the first ‘maps’ for Dinosaur Island and then has rendered them in 3D. We are using a standard 256 grayscale bitmap, PNG or GIF file as the ‘map’.

Dinosaur Island (Version 1) by Ed Isenberg

Dinosaur Island (Version 1) by Ed Isenberg

And this is the 256 levels of grayscale ‘map’ that Ed created from which the 3D image (above) was rendered.

Dinosaur Island grey scale map created by Ed Isenberg.

Below is Ed’s idea for a volcanic Dinosaur Island.

Volcanic Dinosaur Island created by Ed Isenberg.

Volcanic Dinosaur Island created by Ed Isenberg.

And the 256 gray scale map that Ed created from which the 3D image, above, was rendered.

Volcanic Dinosaur Island gray scale map by Ed Isenberg.

