Contact Us

Dr. D. Ezra Sidran

Dr. D. Ezra Sidran

About the Author Ezra Sidran

I am an innovative AI programmer that is passionate about his craft. After 17 years in the computer game industry (25+ games, two #1 games, $28 million in sales), I returned to academia and earned a doctorate in computer science at the University of Iowa.

My doctoral research involved optimal pathfinding, tactical and strategic decision making and unsupervised machine learning (software that is capable of ‘seeing’ patterns, clustering and making decisions without human interaction). I was able to demonstrate a program, TIGER, which made tactical decisions that were statistically indistinguishable from those made by subject matter experts in the field such as instructors at military academies and officers with combat experience.

My research has been supported, in part, by DARPA.

I was an original founding member of the Serious Games initiative and have frequently been contracted by U. S. government agencies to create serious educational games and simulations.

Specialties: Artificial Intelligence, Unsupervised Machine Learning, tactical problem solving, optimal pathfinding algorithms.

You can email me at: Ezra [at]

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14 thoughts on “Contact Us

    • This is not an online game. This site is our ‘development blog’ where you can see us working on the game.

      Dinosaur Island will be launched on Kickstarter in the next month. Assuming we have a successful campaign, the game will be sent to backers in 2015 when it is finished.

      Thanks for you interest!

  1. How exciting is this! I’ve loved dinosaurs since grade school; I can see ‘kids’ of ALL ages being drawn to this. Look forward to the launch!!

  2. This looks very interesting, I am 16 years of age and is very excited for this game. I thought it was already out :(. However, I can wait seeing as it is a great looking game. I bet the Details in this game are as good as jurassic park animals, or at least something like that.

    • I was very sick and had to stop working on Dinosaur island for a while. I’m feeling better now. After I’m done teaching this semester at the University of Iowa I will resume work on the project. It’s hard to say exactly when I’ll complete this program.

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