More details

Real-time data displayed in the menu bar in the island creation utility (screen capture, click to enlarge).

Real-time data displayed in the menu bar in the island creation utility (screen capture, click to enlarge).

Just another little detail (above) in a screen capture of the utility program used to create Dinosaur Island, add terrain and topography, plants and dinosaurs. As you pass your cursor over the map, details about every square meter of the island are displayed in real-time at the bottom of the screen (as well as the scale).

Note that the cursor is currently positioned (not visible in this screen capture) over an Edmontosaurus regalis named Gertie. Yes, even the ‘personal names’ of every dinosaur are displayed so they will be easier to track.

Why is the dinosaur named Gertie? Click here for the answer.


The details of Dinosaur Island.

Just a portion of the data that we are storing about each square meter of Dinosaur Island (screen capture, click to enlarge).

Just a portion of the data that we are storing about each square meter of Dinosaur Island (screen capture, click to enlarge).

The above screen shot shows your just a fraction of the data that we are storing for each of the 4,000,000 square meters of Dinosaur Island. We are tracking the age, health, energy production and weight of every plant on the island. You can also see the data stored for each dinosaur.

It’s important to remember that you, the user, do not need to know any of this information. However the computer model uses this data to ensure that everything that happens on the island is accurate: the plants are growing at the right rate, producing the right amount of energy, dinosaurs are maturing, reproducing, moving and hunting. The more data the more accurate the model.

Also, remember that Dinosaur Island will be in 3D. These are the 2D utilities that are used ‘behind the scenes’ to set everything up.


A Tyrannosaurus rex named Sue.

How the user specifies the creation of a new dinosaur (screen capture).

How the user specifies the creation of a new dinosaur (screen capture). Click to see full-size.

It’s finally that time: we’re adding dinosaurs to Dinosaur Island now. Above is the ‘creation’ screen. As you can see we are modeling each dinosaur in great detail. We are tracking how much they’ve eaten, how much energy they’re expending, what their diet is, age, health. You can even give each dinosaur a personal name.

By the way, none of this is necessary for you to enjoy Dinosaur Island. This is just a glimpse of the ‘behind the scene’ details that we are implementing to assure historical accuracy.

Trivia question: do you know why this T. rex is named Sue? See here for the answer.


More thank-yous!

I would like to thank some programmers over at who have been very helpful. Many thanks to Tim Schmelter, ‘Daniel’, ‘Musefan’ and ‘radium’! It doesn’t matter how much formal education you have, you can always learn something new every day. As a TA said to me when I was an undergrad, “there are no stupid questions in computer science.” Again, thanks Tim, Daniel, Musefan and ‘radium’. You guys are the greatest!

I would also like to thank “Christopher84” and Mike Danes over at the Microsoft Visual Studio Developer’s forum. You guys rock!


The currency of Dinosaur Island.

The energy value of different plants. (Screen capture from Dinosaur Island)

How the user can set the energy value of a specific plant. (Screen capture from Dinosaur Island)

In England the currency of the realm is pounds sterling. In Russia it’s rubles. A lot of countries have dollars or pesos. However, the currency of Dinosaur Island is energy. Energy is what makes everything happen on the island.

As we saw earlier in What’s for dinner? there is a food chain on Dinosaur Island; and the plants are at the bottom. How much energy does a kilogram of the Nipa fern produce? In, “Sauropod Feeding and Digestive Physiology,” (Hummel and Clauss), a range of values are presented with a low of 4.7 MJ/KG (Mega Joules per Kilogram) and a high of 11.7 MJ/KG (for more information about Joules see here). The screen capture, above, is a close-up of the area where the user can adjust this value for the Nipa fern plant.

So, energy on Dinosaur Island begins with the lowly plants. What happens next?

What does your dinosaur eat? How much energy does he need? How much energy is produced when he is eaten?

What does your dinosaur eat? How much energy does he need? How much energy is produced when he is eaten? (Screen capture)

The plants get eaten by a dinosaur, of course. But which plants get eaten by what dinosaurs? Take a look at the screen capture from Dinosaur Island, above. Here you can select what plants each dinosaur can eat. Yes, you can also make a dinosaur either a Meat Hunter or a Meat Scavenger, too. Does that mean you could make zombie dinosaurs like a meat-eating Edmontosaurus regalis? Yes, it does, but that would be just silly.

Obviously, this ability to make a dinosaur a Meat Hunter (Predator) or a Meat Scavenger will come in very handy when paleontologists would like to test their theories about Tyrannosaurus rex as scavenger or a predator.

Users can also adjust some other very important variables for each type of dinosaur. How fast does this type of dinosaur grow? How many MJ/KG does this dinosaur need to eat everyday to survive? How much energy does this dinosaur provide when it is eaten by another dinosaur? How old does this dinosaur have to be to reproduce? And what is this dinosaur’s lifespan (assuming, of course, it doesn’t become dinner for another dinosaur)? By the way, I just read in Islands in the Cosmos: The Evolution of Life on Land by Dale Russell that, “a sample of horned dinosaur population is estimated to have sexually matured at an age of 20 and lived to an average age of 22 years, with a few exceptional individuals surviving to ~80 years.” And that is exactly why we allow the user to ‘get under the hood’ and make adjustments to these values. I’m not an expert paleontologist. I’m a computer scientist that has made a lot of models and simulations and I discovered the best thing for me to do is make available the tools that the experts can use to make the model accurate.

SmallRuleUpdate: it was announced today (July 16, 2013) that, David Burnham, preparator of vertebrate paleontology at the Biodiversity Institute at the University of Kansas. “has unearthed “smoking gun” physical proof that T. rex was indeed a predator, hunter and killer. In the Hell Creek Formation of South Dakota, Burnham and colleagues discovered the crown of a T. rex tooth lodged in the fossilized spine of a plant-eating hadrosaur that seems to have survived the attack. The team describes the find in the current issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.” Link to the fascinating article here.
